
Marxist or Socialist Feminism | Feminist Theories and Practice | Introduction to Gender Studies CSS

2024-05-31 20 Dailymotion

Marxist or Socialist Feminism | Feminist Theories and Practice | Introduction to Gender Studies CSS

Marxist feminism combines ideas from Marxism and feminism to understand and fight against the ways capitalism exploits and oppresses women. It believes that true gender equality can only be achieved by dismantling both capitalism and patriarchy.

Intersection of Class and Gender: Women's oppression is linked to their roles in both the economy and the home.
Unpaid Domestic Labor: Women's unpaid work at home (like cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing) supports the economy but is not valued.
Workplace Exploitation: Women are often in lower-paid, insecure jobs, facing discrimination and unequal pay.
Marxist feminism looks at how capitalism and patriarchy together oppress women and seeks to change both systems to achieve equality. both Marxist and socialist feminists seek to address gender inequality and advocate for systemic change, Marxist feminism is more focused on the relationship between capitalism and women's oppression, whereas socialist feminism takes a broader, more inclusive approach that addresses multiple forms of oppression.

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This video has covered the following topics in detail with Examples and Analysis:

1) Marxist Feminism Definition
2) Historical Development of Marxist Feminism
3) Major Ideas and Arguments of Marxist Feminism
4) Solutions of Marxist Feminism
5) Marxist critique of liberal Feminism
6) Criticism
7) Major Proponents of Marxist Feminism
8) Important Works
9) Socialist Feminist Groups
10) Radical Women
11) The Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU)